Biography – Dr Ajmol Ali

Professor of Exercise Science
School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition
International Director, College of Health

PhD (Sports Nutrition),
MSc Sports Science (Distinction)
BSc (Hons) PE & Sport Science


Ajmol completed his studies at Loughborough University (UK), under the tutelage of Prof Clyde Williams, and graduated with a PhD in 2002.

Current Employment

Ajmol started at Massey University in 2003 and is currently Associate Professor in the School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition at the Albany (Auckland) Campus. Ajmol was instrumental in setting up the Sport and Exercise Science Laboratory at Auckland, supervises a number of PhD and MSc students and is also involved in various promotional and consultancy initiatives on behalf of the School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition and Massey University.

Ajmol is the International Director for College of Health. He is also a former deputy chair of the Massey University Human Ethics Committee, director of the Centre for Metabolic Health Research and director of Beverage Lab.


  • An ambitious team player looking to develop his attributes in a dynamic, challenging and rewarding environment
  • A hardworking, very reliable individual with excellent communication skills dedicated to achieving a highly successful academic and research career

Work Experience

2003- Massey University – Professor of Exercise Science

  • International Director, College of Health
  • Associate Dean, International (College of Health)
  • Former Deputy Chair, Massey University Human Ethics Committee (Northern)
  • Former Major Leader, BSc Exercise and Sport Science
  • Executive Committee, School of Sport and Exercise
  • Supervisor for 4 completed and 6 current PhD students
  • Supervisor for 23 completed and 9 current Masterate students
  • Supervisor for 7 completed Honours student projects
  • Examiner for 9 PhD, 20 Masterate and 1 Honours theses
  • Convener for 5 PhD examinations
  • Courses taught (current): Applied Sports Science, Functional Anatomy, Biometrics

2002-2003 Sports Technology Research Group (L’boro Uni) – Post-Doctoral Research

  • Post-doctoral project: Graduated compression stockings – physiological and perceptual responses during and following exercise
  • Study design, data collection and analysis, presentation of results and submission of formal report to external funding body, conference presentation and submission of manuscript



1999-2002     Loughborough University

  • PhD in Sports Nutrition
  • Supervisor: Prof Clyde Williams
  • Thesis title: The influence of carbohydrate-electrolyte ingestion on metabolism and soccer skill performance during and following prolonged intermittent exercise
  • Development of soccer skill tests, blood sampling and analyses, nutritional assessment of players, understanding of various statistical procedures, use of different exercise protocols, gastric emptying methods

1998-1999     Loughborough University

  • MSc Sports Science (Distinction)
  • Modules studied include Research Methods, Exercise Physiology, Sports Nutrition and Sport Psychology
  • Thesis title: The influence of fluid ingestion on soccer performance during and following a simulated game, with particular reference to skill
  • Gatorade Sports Science Institute prize for best MSc thesis in 1999

1995-1998     Loughborough University

  • BSc (Hons) Physical Education and Sports Science (Class: 2:1)
  • Modules studied include Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics, Sports Psychology, Statistics, Research Methods and Final Year Dissertation

Responsibilities and Interests

2007 – 2013          Birkenhead Utd AFC Committee (Northern Football Federation)
2001 – 2002          Manager of Loughborough Academicals FC (staff soccer team)
1996 – 1997          Elected Treasurer of Loughborough Students AFC Committee
1996 – 1997          Elected Chairperson of halls of residence student committee
1995 – 1998         Represented Loughborough Students FC

  • I participate in a wide range of sports, both individual and team activities
  • I enjoy organising sporting and social events for different occasions
  • I have been involved in many types of charity events and enjoy raising money for good causes

Qualifications and other Skills

  • Trained to perform venepunctures and cannulation
  • Trained to perform many different blood assays including radio-immunoassays
  • Red Cross First Aid certificate


Prof Clyde Williams
Emeritus Professor of Sports Science
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
Loughborough University
Loughborough, Leics, LE11 3TU, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1509 226309
Fax: +44 (0) 1509 226300
Assoc Prof Andrew Foskett
Head of School
School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition
College of Health
Private Bag 102904
Massey University, North Shore, Auckland, NZ
Tel: +64 (9) 4140800 ext 43412