Effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on performance, metabolism and perceptual responses during endurance cycling

Previous studies have shown that simply rinsing the mouth with a carbohydrate solution during exercise (in fasted subjects) improves high intensity exercise performance. However these effects have in the past been only explained by stimulation of central nervous system function. This project aims to further investigate whether mouth rinsing may amplify the release of metabolic fuels stored in muscles and/or liver during or after high-intensity exercise and to examine individual and/or additive effects of carbohydrate mouth rinse, fluid and carbohydrate ingestion on 1-h time trial cycling performance. Furthermore, we aim to examine perceptual responses (affect and activation) during and following exercise.

Student: Catherine Moss (MSc)

Collaborators: Prof Bernhard Breier (Massey University) and Dr Michelle Yoo (AUT University)

Carbohydrate ingestion and feel-good responses in recreational exercisers

Carbohydrate (CHO) intake, especially ‘sugary’ sports drinks, is perceived to be detrimental for health and weight management. However, CHO is an important macronutrient for energy provision during exercise, as well as fuel for the central nervous system. Therefore, CHO intake is a well known performance-enhancing ergogenic aid. In addition, CHO is also known to influence mood and lead to more pleasurable feelings during exercise. ‘Spin’ classes are becoming increasingly popular group-fitness cycling sessions where participants work at self-selected exercise intensities. CHO supplements may allow these recreational exercisers to increase energy expenditure during exercise, enhance their ‘affect’, mood and improve health and fitness parameters. Therefore, this study will examine the influence of CHO intake during 2-3 x 45-min spin classes per week, over a 10-week intervention period, on health and fitness parameters in recreational exercisers.

Student: Vivian Ye Jee Lee (MSc)

Collaborators: Dr Kay Rutherfurd-Markwick (Massey University)