Exercise for Children

- Healthy Active Learning
- Physical education in early childhood (PEECh)
- Beverage intake in young New Zealand children playing competitive sport
- The determinants of gait transitions in normal weight and obese children
Soccer and Team Sports

- The relationship between daily fatigue measures and performance in soccer players
- Relationship between on-field and off-field soccer passing performance
- The effect of different surfaces on soccer skill and sprint performance
- Effects of fluid, electrolyte and carbohydrate ingestion on soccer performance in acclimatised players
Sports Nutrition

- Effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on performance, metabolism and perceptual responses during endurance cycling
- Carbohydrate ingestion and feel-good responses in recreational exercisers
Exercise & Health

- Evaluation of Southern Cross Switch2Well programme
- Comparison of electrolyte levels and immune function markers in saliva, sweat, urine and/or plasma in resting and exercising humans
- Beetroot juice supplementation and cardiovascular responses and metabolism in young and old men and women

- Development of CaffCo – caffeine consumption habits questionnaire
- Caffeine consumption habits in tertiary students
- Caffeine consumption habits in recreational and competitive athletes
- Effect of genetics and caffeine consumption on metabolism, performance and cognition in athletes