

The caffeine effect… is it in your genes?

The effects of caffeine intake varies between individuals, and this variation has been attributed to factors such as age, gender and more recently, genetics. Now, a Massey University study is looking for athletic men to help researchers find out more about the effect of caffeine on sporting performance.

By |2021-06-15T22:24:41+12:00October 18th, 2018|Articles, General, News, Students|Comments Off on The caffeine effect… is it in your genes?

Caffeine: 1 shot? Ok, 5 shots? Not so much

It's well known that Kiwis have a love affair with caffeine - but how many of us know about the potential hidden harm it could be causing us? Scientists at Massey University and University of Auckland are leading a large-scale research programme aiming to build a detailed picture of the amount of caffeine we're consuming, and how our varying rates of metabolism or genetic traits could be causing unseen problems.

By |2021-06-15T22:24:41+12:00October 1st, 2016|Articles, General, News, Students|Comments Off on Caffeine: 1 shot? Ok, 5 shots? Not so much
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